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Gateway Ministries - Waterville, WA
Gateway Ministries - Waterville, WA
Steve Ott shared a message from God's word on Sept. 22, 2024. He opened up sharing a background of his story with God and then continued speaking about prayer and encouraged His people to be listening for God speaking to each of us.
This message was mostly about the Good News and the Kingdom of God; a message that Jesus constantly preached when he walked the earth. In these days leading up to the 2024 election let us as those within God's kingdom be reminded... Jesus' Kingdom is eternal; it will not end/ As His children within His kingdom we will not behave as the world expects/ Within His kingdom there is active work to participate with Jesus. What a privilege to be His!
At the end of John 6 we read that some of Jesus' disciples stopped following Him. As He continues to teach us, change us and send us out to work alongside He asks, "do you want to leave too?"
In Luke 5:1-11 we read of Jesus' dramatic invite to Simon Peter. "Don't be afraid," Jesus said, "from now on you will fish for people." When we encounter Jesus He calls us to life with Him; life being His disciple.
In Luke 6:20-49 Jesus teaches his disciples about the Kingdom of God. Combined with Matthew chapters 5-7 this account is the Sermon on the Mount. As we follow Jesus our character conforms to our Abba Father's heart. What a joy!
In John 4:35-38 and Matthew 9:35-38 Jesus makes it clear to His disciples that there is a spiritual harvest today. As He is doing the will of Father so we too should engage in Jesus' work, the Harvest Work. Being His disciple means doing His work.
In Luke 12:1-12 Jesus taught his disciples to beware of the Pharisees' hypocrisy, to fear the Lord not people such as the Pharisees and ultimately to not be afraid because the Holy Spirit is with us!
In Luke 12:22-34 Jesus continued to teach his disciples. This time He directed his disciples to seek Father's kingdom, not worry and make eternal deposits. Our Father is pleased to give us His kingdom!
In Luke 12:35-53 Jesus taught his disciples to be ready for His return, faithful in what He's called them to and reminded them that being His disciple would cause division.
In Matthew 18:21-35 Peter asked Jesus about forgiveness. Jesus taught the disciples through a parable. Easter weekend is the perfect time to remember God's incredible forgiveness and our call to forgive others.
In Matthew 13 Jesus taught the crowds and His disciples through parables. As His disciples we are not only receiving His seed but also able to spread it.
In Luke 9:57-62 there are three separate examples of half-hearted discipleship. Jesus challenged each to follow Him without reservation wholly devoted to Him. Today, that is still true discipleship.
In Mark 4:35-41 Jesus calmed the storm that the disciples were experiencing. Ultimately it was a challenge to their faith. The life we now live as His disciple we live by faith in Him.
In Matthew 10 Jesus instructed the 12 apostles before they were sent to join Christ in His mission. In this passage we can take away that we will be sent, that there will be rejection to His message but He is with us through it and that once again He's calling us to die to our self and serve Him first.
In the Gospels we read of Jesus feeding well over 5,000 people & shortly thereafter walking on water. In both accounts, Jesus taught his closest disciples that He could multiply what little is brought to Him and that as God there is no human reality He cannot exceed.
In John 17:17 Jesus is praying to the Father and asking for the Apostles to be Sanctified by the truth which is the word of God. Jesus desired that they be set apart to serve God declaring His word to all He had called. In the same way, God desires we too as His people be sanctified, set apart for service to Him. What a privilege!
Only knowing the truth will set us free is what Jesus declared in John 8:32. He came to take care of our biggest problem our bondage to sin and He delivered by his body and blood. We can be set free knowing the truth of God's gift through Jesus our Savior and Lord.
In John 14, 15 & 16 He tells His disciples in multiple verses that He or the Father would send them the Holy Spirit. This truth was prophesied in several places hundreds of years prior but one that stands out is in Ezekiel chapter 36. What continually stands out is when the Spirit comes we will be new. Our spiritual birth is not of the old but new. We are a new creation and in Galatians Paul states that is all that counts. Let's thank our God for sending us the Holy Spirit, beginning a new birth in us and choosing us to be His child.
In John chapter 4 Jesus tells the woman he was speaking with that a time would come and even now has come that true worshippers would worship in spirit and truth. Combine this with what Jesus told Nicodemus in John 3 about being born again and we can see Jesus came so that we could worship in spirit and truth. We know Jesus is the truth. There is no way to the Father except through Him. And we know in order to worship our God we must be born again by the Spirit. What a privilege to worship the triune God!
In John chapter 10 Jesus declares great truth for all who believe and receive Him. He is the entry point to Life. Going through and with Him into His pasture takes you to life and life to the full! Imagine, feeding, resting and moving freely within Jesus' pasture. Could there be a better place?
In John chapters 5 and 6 Jesus makes it clear He is Our Life. Anyone that "eats" of Him will never go hungry and anyone who "drinks" of Him will never go thirsty. He is the bread of life. Jesus is our nourishment for today and our hope for eternal life.
Jesus desires to live in us and we in Him. Through the Holy Spirit this profound truth is revealed. We can obey what Jesus taught us if we continue in union with Him. Read John 17:20-26, 14:15-21 and 15:9-17. In addition, 1 John 4:13-16 summarizes our union with Jesus Christ well.
Similar to coming as King Jesus also came to be Messiah or maybe more commonly known as Christ. To the Jews Messiah was to deliver them from oppression. He was the Anointed One. And Jesus did deliver... To all who received Him He delivered from sin and death and gave salvation and life. Jesus is Savior.
When Jesus came in the flesh those that received Him became children of God. Jesus said that only those that receive Him as a child can enter the Kingdom of God. And Colossians says God has transferred us from the dominion of sin and death to the Kingdom of His Son. At times today it's difficult to realize Jesus is in fact our King but if you've received Him He indeed is your King.
What did Jesus mean when he said, "...for this reason I came to testify to the truth?" This will be our Christmas series and I'm pumped for it! This week - Jesus came because God wants to be known. God sent the Son of God, the one in closest relationship with the Father, to be fully known by all who would believe in His name.
Join us as we learn what Jesus meant when He taught us to begin praying with "hallowed be Your name." God's name is of utmost importance to Him. Read Psalm 99, Isaiah 43, 1 Kings 8 and Revelation 5.
Join us as we give our God thanks for He is good and His steadfast love endures forever! Read Psalm 107, 1 Chronicles 16, Psalm 100, 2 Chronicles 20, and Colossians 3.
Join us as we prioritize our prayer and fasting around seeking God's kingdom and righteousness. Read Isaiah 26, Psalm 63, Luke 18:1-8, and Mark 1:35-39.
Join us as we pray and fast in humility in order that in due time our God would lift us up. Read Luke 18:9-14, Psalm 51, Job 42, and Daniel 4.
Join us as seek God's guidance, direction, and wisdom. He gives to those that ask! Read Psalm 143:1-12, Psalm 86:1-17, James 3:13-18, and John 15:1-17.
Join us as we intercede for others in prayer and fasting. God's people have consistently interceded for others. As an intercessor you are in great company! Read 1 Samuel 7:1-13, Numbers 14:1-24, Romans 8:28-39, and Ephesians 3:14-21.
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